Monday, May 14, 2012

Does anyone else believe the JFK assassination was covered up

Does anyone else believe the JFK assassination was covered up?
Has there been new evidence discovered? There supposedly was some information in a book, I believe 'Flight from Dallas" or something simillar. I have not been able to find this book.
Media & Journalism - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Many people believe it was a cover up....
2 :
Any time a sitting president is killed by our own government, there must be a cover up. That is required.
3 :
There is a ton of evidence that Oswald acted alone, and virtually no credible evidence that there was some sort of mass conspiracy. I'm not sure why that's so hard to accept -- perhaps because people had a romantic view of the Kennedy Administration, and can't believe one person could end it -- but people should learn to accept it.
4 :
Yes I believe there was a conspiracy. You can buy Flight From Dallas here:
5 :
I still believe there was a cover up. How about this scenario for a possible movie ?! JFK has affair with Marilyn Monroe. She becomes a pest and constantly pests JFK by phoning the White House. MM might have been very photogenic (fact) but she became a pain in the butt to JFK. His actor brother-in-law (can't remember his name) solves the problem by seeking help from the mob. Mob 'solves' problem permanently --, M/M is executed. Mafia needs some favour from the President. --President refuses to help, President executed !! Far fetched ?! Probably. I don't think so.... I think something very similar to this did happened. A thought.... I wonder who would play the apart of Jack Ruby, that small time crook with mafia connections!!? Did he also act alone ?!

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