Monday, May 7, 2012

does american airlines provide personal seat back TV screens on its flights from dallas to buenos aires

does american airlines provide personal seat back TV screens on its flights from dallas to buenos aires?

Air Travel - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I'm pretty sure they do, but if you know the type of plane your flying on the check this website: You can do this by checking your flight number with the airline and asking them the type of aircraft their flying.
2 :
It depends on the aircraft. If you're flying direct, shows you as being on a Boeing 767-300. That aircraft does NOT have personal TVs (PTVs). However, if you're flying via Miami, you'll be on the 757 from DFW-MIA (no PTV), but from MIA to Buenos Aires, you're on a 777, which does have PTVs at every seat (even in coach). Have a good trip.

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