What is the flight time from Dallas, Texas to a Macedonian City (any city)?
i need the Approximate flight time from Dallas Texas to a city in Macedonia and i don't know what city just any random one. It's for a stupid project i'm doing and so far the internet isn't really helping. Help?
Dallas - 2 Answers
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1 :
internet is helping http://www.kayak.com/s/flights.jsp?searchid=FWz1n4TW8JK0RRJtMXkfyw&completed=true
2 :
It must be 18 hours or so. Usually you would have to go to some major airport like Frankfurt or Amsterdam to Slovenia (Ljubljana) or Bulgaria (Sofia) and then to Skopje. Macedonia has 2 international airports: Skopje and Ohrid. The airport in Ohrid is not always open, you won't find many flight to this city.